How does it work?

acupuncture face lifting
In Chinese Medicine view, a person’s face is affected selectively by his or her internal organs. Facial features reflect organic strengths. As internal organs are fine-tuned by acupuncture, one’s face reflects the improvement. Beside addressing problems holistically, the acupuncturist will also apply treatment locally, inserting ultra-fine needles into–and around–specific wrinkles, acu-points or muscle points, depending on the technique employed.
The stimulation brings blood rushing to the face, which makes it look flushed. Apparently, after a few sessions, eyes brighten, skin feels firmer, lips become plumper and blemishes vanish.
Today, Facial acupuncture is the Hollywood star’s shortcut to younger looking skin. Precious Williams tries it. Please view this article from Telegraph on more information: view document »
We will make diagnosis for each individual patient and come up with different treatments according to the specific condition. Therefore, patients need to ring us to book an appointment for a free initial consultation first before starting a treatment.
Please Contact us if you need a free consultation.